Who was Archduke Franz Ferdinand ?


His complete name was Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

He was born in 1863 in Graz, Austria. He became wealthy just before he reached his teen because one of his cousins died and Archduke was chosen inherit the wast of state another death in 1889, changed his destiny enormously, the suicide of his cousin crown prince Rudolf. This left Ferdinand father captured the throne of Austria and Hungary, but he immediately renounced his position leaving Franz Ferdinand next in line to rule the empire. Not most of people liked him

Sophie, wife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

but except his wife Sophia, she was a Bohiminian aristocrat and without actual royal blood neither Sophie nor any author children could ever inherit the throne.

Ferdinand was passionate for hunting he apparently img_1804recorded over 2,50,000 creatures killed in his fifty years on earth (Mostly in India). He was very conservative, he hated the Hungarian, he thought that Serbs are pigs. He was a radical Roman catholic and also anti Jewish, anti Jesuit at the same time.

He advocated granting greater autonomy to ethnic groups within the Empire and addressing their grievances, especially the Czechs in Bohemia and the south Slavic peoples in Croatia and Bosnia, who had been left out of the Austro-Hungarian compromise of 1867.
He was disappointed when Austria-Hungary failed to act as a Great Power, such as during the Boxer Rebellion, in 1900. Other nations, including, in his description, “dwarf states like Belgium and Portugal”, had soldiers stationed in China, but Austria-Hungary did not.

Death :


He and his wife Sophie was killed in Sarajevo on a Sunday morning on 28th June 1914. A Bosnian nationalist Gavrilo Princip, who was the member of Black Hand society, assassinated Archduke and his wife Sophie. One bullet pierced Franz Ferdinand’s neck and other hit Sophie’s abdomen.

Gavrilo Princip planned to kill Archduke, when he announced his visit to Bosnia in June. Princip and other conspirators came to Sarajevo to kill Archduke. Archduke said that ” the day he starts his journey to Sarajevo and his car overheated “. Here’s his quote “Our journey starts with an extremely promising omen. Here our car burns and down there they will throw bomb at us.” They both arrived Sarajevo earlier and surprised everyone. They had a nice time wondering around the town, later that evening came that time. A member of Bosnian parliament who urged Sophie and Ferdinand to cancel the whole trip for reasons of safety…Sophie said this “Things do not always turn out the way you say they will, wherever we have been, everyone, down to the last Serb, has greeted us with such great friendliness, politeness and true warmth, there we are happy with our visit”. Next morning Archduke car left Sarajevo station, seven young Bosnian were deployed on the town bridges. One of the young Bosnian through the bomb on the Archduke’s car but it bounced of his hood before it exploded it wounded one of the Archduke’s man.

Picture, after Archduke changed his plan

The motorcade drove to the tow hall listen to the the bunch of usual speeches, and than Franz Ferdinand changed his plan, he decided to visit the man who was hurt by the bomb to see that if he was well. In the way of hospital there were lot of confusion in the route, when Archduke’s driver turned off the key, he stopped his right next to a Gavrilo Princip. Princip fired twice with his pistol, Sophie died instantly, after few moments Franz Ferdinand died.img_1808

News paper after the death of Archduke and his wife Sophie

Immediate results of that was, the news of assassination spread throughout Europe and in Bosnia by the end of July more than 5 thousand Serbs were in prison.

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