About you and Me


And you are here There’s a fire in your belly. I like that. I feel it too. I want to help you burn even brighter. You are lucky that you are here

About You

If you are tyro or Eager to know about World Wars and want to gather complete statistics then You are at the right place.

The information which I’m going to provide will be authentic and reliable and different from others. My writings completely based on WORLD WARS that were came across as a destructive forces, which demolish the humanity during 1914 to 1918 (First World War) and 1939 to 1945 (Second World War)

  • with the help of my writings you’ll become more familiar with characters of world wars.
  • This information will be chronological, means characters will be defined from starting of World War first till the end of World War Second.
  • You’ll get great information about political leaders, great soldiers and many major faces which effect the war.
  • You’ll become familiar with every aspect of these wars.

In these Writings my language will be perspicuous, so you can understand it easily.

About Me

As a History student I did lots of research works on Indian and European history. Completed Masters from Delhi University(India), now pursuing PhD degree.  As interest in European culture, I made lots of effort since my schooling days to gather as much information as I can. I’ve great enthusiasm to know about World Wars, and also did lots of works in this field.

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